Monthly Archives: November 2016

Auran Chronicles #3 – 1st draft done!

At last! At long last, Weave Born, the third and final part of the Auran Chronicles trilogy, has now reached that critical milestone of having the first draft completed.

And there was much rejoicing.

It’s been a tough slog getting there. There was so much to do in ensuring all the various plot strands resolved as planned that it became a long and arduous process in reaching “The End”. I’ve put Seb and co though the ringers on this one, and it’s probably the darkest of the three, but hopefully I’ve done the characters justice and served up a fitting ending for a story that’s been bubbling away for many years.

There’ll be a little break now — perhaps even ten minutes — before I crack on with the final draft. This will be a one pass edit before passing on for external editing and beta readers. The aim is still for a Winter release, but I won’t be committing to a month just yet.

Right – time for a well earned beer.